If you think you can't travel the world during the holidays and have a great time with great people you would be wrong!

I found the thing I said I was looking for despite not knowing what it was
I had not quite figured out why I was on this trip when I first booked it or even after being here for several weeks but now I get it. I mean maybe I knew it all along but I still wanted my aha moment.
My entire life I have always pushed myself to do more and be more because I am always in competition with myself. I don't expect that to ever change and for now, at least, its a benefit to my life. I know there are deep rooted reasons why I do it but what is important is that it continues to enhance my life and make me step further and further outside my comfort zone to become the woman I want to be. I am not her yet but I know I am on my way. In the meantime, I needed to know I could come to a foreign country, not know anyone and not only survive (surviving is a major plus!) but meet friends and become part of the community and not just a tourist. I didn't just want to see Peru, I wanted to become part of Peru.
I have started to learn my way around and how to get to places I want to go. I have new friends that I can call and go out with, have lunch with and talk to. I also feel comfortable in my surroundings as if I belong despite the occasional stares from passerby's and the clear language barrier. I am starting to really love living here.
New Years was the icing on the cake. I confirmed that I can live anywhere and not just be content or okay but be happy. You don't need people around you to be happy but when people want to be around you it's a good feeling. We danced and drank and danced some more. I spoke to new friends who don't speak English and they taught me how to dance to songs I have never heard of. It was a truly great night.
If I can do it, you can too. New Year: New You. We are all one on this Earth to love and connect and share with one another. We do not have to look the same or have the same religion or even speak the same language to learn to love each other. When you realize that you become one with something so much bigger than yourself. Check out my New Years photos below. I hope your New Year was full of family, friends and lots of love, like mine was.
As you can see from my photos from New Years, I meet some amazing people and had an amazing time. I have talked to many people who say I am crazy for traveling the world alone but with over 7 billion people in this world I am never alone! Happy New Year!!!