In a few short weeks I will be heading over to Lima, Peru to spend about 2 months and then hitting up Rio, Brazil for a few weeks before finding my way back home only to jump on a cruise ship to Mexico for a few days. This will be the longest I have been away from home and will be the first time I am spending this much time alone. I will be surrounded by people who speak a language unfamiliar to me as the most Spanish I retained was how to count to 10. Of course I know even less Portuguese so the language barrier may be a challenge. I love to talk so it will be frustrating to learn a new way to communicate.
People that know I am leaving for a few months always ask me why. I seem to be surprised each time and have yet to come up with an answer. I have always wanted to travel the world and although I have been to a great many tropical places in my day I have never stayed somewhere long enough to start to feel like its home. Being an entrepreneur for Degrees of Success I can work from anywhere in the world. I guess part of me is leaving so I can tell myself I can. Somewhere inside me I am also hoping to find something. I cant put my finger on what that something is or if it will benefit my life in some way but deep down I think it will. Clarity maybe or a oneness with myself or some type of closure to the old chapters in my life. I don't really know.
I think some people think I am going through a midlife crisis but I don't think that's it. I may not have everything I ever dreamed of but I am getting closer to it every day. I am still single which I guess at the young age of 38 would seem too old to still be going it alone but most days it doesn't bother me. I say most because some days it does. It's not easy to do everything alone and sometimes I wish I had a travel buddy but this journey of mine only requires a Ticket for Just One.
Sometimes I think we have to step outside our comfort zones to become the people we are destined to be. I guess ultimately I am hoping I will become her somewhere in between Lima and Rio. I will update you with pictures and videos and stories of my travels. This is the beginning of my journey to somewhere.